Deep Sustainability
through Technology
With our Building Operating System we are able to optimise the building over its lifetime. It also helps assets holders and tenants to visualise and improve resource usage to foster behaviour change. Our buildings and processes aim to create more resources than they consume during their life cycle. Automated manufacturing and prefabrication also enable us to reduce material waste, transport and carbon emissions in the building process.

Our first building
“Im Wohnpark Nette 6” saves 95% of the Global Warming Potential compared to a reference building

Residential buildings hold the biggest potential for decarbonization within the construction and building industry. Based on our holistic understanding of the construction value chain we create accessible and affordable living while respecting and conserving the resources of our planet. All our efforts in reducing the carbon footprint of buildings over their full life cycle are part of our mission and lead to our Deep Sustainability approach.

Our residents can reduce 13% of their average CO₂–emissions
7,7 t CO₂-emissions per person in Germany in 2020 - Being able to save up to 1 ton CO₂-e saved per person per year.
Our pilot building “Im Wohnpark Nette 6” already stands out in life cycle carbon emission
“Im Wohnpark Nette 6” stands out in Life Cycle Carbon with 22% less embodied carbon compared to DGNB reference buildings. Our energy-positive operations make for a small carbon footprint.

Access to affordable and inclusive living
We create buildings for people of different ages, ethnicities, gender, income or lifestyles. We meet those requirements with our comprehensive living space concept. Our buildings are developed according to the principles of "universal design". This ensures accessibility and adaptability to different preferences and life stages.

Climate positive
Our buildings are climate positive in their operations, this means that the annual balance of emissions emitted by building operation and emissions avoided by the generation of CO₂-free energy exported off-site is ≤ 0. According to the DGNB, ‘neutral’ is an insufficient expression for what buildings that operate carbon neutrally today actually achieve: a positive contribution to climate action. The carbon-neutral operation of our buildings is therefore proudly referred to as "climate-positive".
Since we aspire to take multi-storey housing to the next level in sustainability, our long-term ambition goes beyond the operational climate positivity: we aim to become “carbon negative” for the Whole Life - Cycle Carbon of our product, working towards bettering both the embodied and the operational carbon.

360° user Health and comfort
Our buildings and flats strive to achieve the highest level of comfort in multi-family housing. We focus on supporting the well-being of our users by having visible timber in the interior, designing for best daylight access, high acoustic insulation, and thermal comfort. Our buildings contribute to a better microclimate and provide “ecosystem services”, e.g., by mitigating urban heat islands.

Responsible use of regenerative resources
GROPYUS buildings and processes aim to create more resources than they consume during their life cycle. Our buildings are rooted in timber from sustainable forestry. They are prefabricated, replicable, constantly optimised and aligned with the current most ambitious sustainability standards (ESG a. 8 & 9/KFW/BEG 40 funding eligible). Responsible sourcing, e.g. PEFC- and/or FSC-certification, serves as a prerequisite for implementation.
Combining sustainability
and technology to build homes
Sustainability is in our DNA. It informs every step of our process. Innovation, research, development, manufacturing, proprietary technologies and construction. Our Design for Sustainability commitment reflects the need to design for people, the planet and impact on the construction industry.